Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Why Is it Always About You?

Some thoughts about how people treat others.

When you say something, get upset, fly off the handle...

Do you ever consider what you're saying, said or how it came across? Did the person you said it to walk away?

And then when they did you got upset because they didn't let you finish ripping into them?

And when you caught up to them and continued ripping them a new one, did you get offended they told you that you were the one going too far or in the wrong? And you got pissed at them because you couldn't possibly be wrong as you see all, know all, understand all?

Ah, I see some of the piss draining from you now as you read.

Yes, you didn't contemplate how you sounded, shouted them down, time lag in conversations on the internet or even the facts of what was said, only that you were upset and had to strike back.

This lead you to running the person down and battling even as they tired to escape even into the wee hours of the night on texts, or phone calls, or emails, because your rage...needed...

A Victim.

So...why is it always about you, huh?

Most of the time people walk away is because they know something you don't: That you are unreasonable and cruel when you have to be the injured party, all the while ripping the person fleeing apart in the name of your crusade to be the one claiming FOUL! Not realizing you look like a lunatic chasing a person down while beating them with an aluminum bat screaming "RAPE! MURDER! ASSAULT!" and hoping others would aid you in the attack.

What's more disturbing with that picture do you think? The fact that you were wailing away and calling for back up, or the high chance you were going to get it? Or possibly the fact you were leading others down the primrose path because misery is not the only emotion that wants company; "Frothing at the Mouth" angry likes a party, too.

Welcome to the world of Verbal Assault. You're an asshole.