Friday, May 13, 2016

Your Heart Will lead You Home

Something indefinable can direct our actions in life, fighting our wills with soul battering force against our own hearts. Pushing us to our knees and driving us to mad distraction as we attempt to compel ourselves against our own inner workings. The instant we stop fighting and give in, we find the power of love masters us in ways we never truly understand and give us what we need...whether we admit it to ourselves or not.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Come What May

This song is interesting tome for several reasons, none the least of which is the reality that the lovers in the musical are actually split apart but outside forces and the song mends the split as if it never happened. How? It hearkens back to the time when they were crafting it and their love for each other was so overwhelming and newly blossoming.

If only there were songs like this to bring people together who have been sundered in real life and allow them to love again as if the pains ha never occurred.