One of the beliefs I have in this world is that everything is transitory, and that which you love eventually can return to you. I've seen this with many of my pets, and had lots of proof that I don't wish to go over and over with people unless they wish to sit down and talk civilly about it.
That said, we got Falkor and brought him home with the belief that it was Phelan returned. We had to go on small signs, such as his spotty skin and heart shape around his nose that made him look like when Phelan died and his pale nose. We had to take it on faith that it was him when we saw him looking into the camera, and his face looked so much like my Fluppy Dog moments before he breathed his last.
This was our first view of Falkor, though we didn't realize it at first:
That's him with his head touching the butt of the other puppy.
Our next sight of him came, oddly, when they did a line up showing us all the dogs so we could choose one. At first I liked the one crouching down, but then I noticed the one on the far left. He was looking for something...waiting for something. Interested in something other than Titus taking his picture. A hopeful look and a heart shaped spotting around his nose.
Karen told me not to get my hopes up, not to think too hard about it as I still had surgeries ahead of me to fix my vision and things to do for work and such. So I put it out of my mind for the most part.
So after some thinking we asked to see that one close upland all alone:
This time I was becoming sure. He had the "Sads" look to him as when Phelan was left alone and we had to leave. When he didn't see us as we would return, he had this look on his face. It was only there for an instant until he saw us and then...JOY! His face lit up, he barked and chased for us. But still, I kept my hopes pushed down. I knew which one I wanted, that was sure at least.
As the weeks crept past we kept getting pictures, and the puppy got fluffier and cuter:
So at last we sent him the collar that Erick picked out, with the words of love etched into it by Laser that this was our Falkor, and that the Faeries Protected him now. I was committed and at last the day was coming to get my eye fixed and then we would go get our puppy!
Unlike the other puppies, Falkor was assured a home despite the fact they were all purchased. We alone had chosen a dog and sent a collar. As if to reflect this, Falkor, already the largest of the litter, burst into growth! Instead of being easily carried, now, at 6-7 weeks, he had to be tucked under an arm!
As I was recovering from my eye surgery, a little video of Falkor playing was sent to us. Of course this was from weeks earlier and it was before his growth spurt, also before we sent the collar, but it was adorable. And we saw Falkor in action, playing with his brother.
If you can't guess, he's the one that barks in annoyance.
The day we came to get him was so much anticipated the time crawled past. Titus met us at the driveway and handed Falkor to me and I hugged him. Falkor bent against me to push into my arms as I hugged him close. If I had any thoughts he was not Phelan, this cracked them. We were invite into the backyard and I put Falkor down. He dwarfed his sister by nearly double her size, his brothers by a quarter. But what really did in the worries and fears it was not him flew away when we we would call him,"Falkor! Come here Fluppy Dog!"
Only he looked up, and only he came running to anyone in the family that called for him. The others sometimes chased him but it was not to come to us. Phelan did not die, nor does his soul sleep. It came home and healed my broken heart, it emptied the wellspring of sorrow that had gushed forth in my soul.
My Fluppy Dog came home: