Thursday, December 27, 2018

Can Anti-deppressants Make You Fall Out of Love?

I've seen it. Here's an article from someone who has researched this:

Mark Dunn
Mark Dunn, squish squish squish squish squish.

Antidepressants can change our emotional, sexual, and romantic functionality.  They can compromise our ability to feel or behave or think normally, and have precipitated the ending of thousands (or even millions) of romantic relationships.  Some online messageboards and other places that people communally share their experiences can collect hundreds or even thousands of stories reflecting on this particular problem.
Many people feel quite different on antidepressants, and some feel that it inhibits or totally destroys their ability to be emotionally intimate in the ways they once were.  Sometimes they change relationships, sometimes they feel unable to be attached at all, and sometimes they uncharacteristically pursue risky, unfulfilling, or damaging interactions.
Changes in personality and biological functionality from antidepressant use, like the occurrence of impotence, anxiety, mania, sedation, demotivation, or other altered experiences or activities can all directly impact romantic relationships.  This can sabotage healthy relationships even when romantic feelings and attachments are not seriously impaired by the drugs, especially as the disintegration of other aspects in relationships generally starts causing problems with emotional intimacy.
Radical and unprecedented changes in romantic relationships specifically are connected to antidepressant use in a worrisome portion of the patient population, and the other possible side effects of antidepressants, like anhedonia, inorgasmia, and protracted withdrawal can all impede or end romantic relationships in situations where the immediate effects on emotional intimacy are not strong enough to do.
You can read about the experiences of others in medical journals, news articles, and side effects support websites.  Doing a quick Google search like this yielded some great starting places in all 8 of the top 8 slots:
I also recommend articles like this, which reviews some of the literature and explores various aspects of antidepressant-induced emotional changes in the romantic context: 

Thursday, September 6, 2018

I Want You To Know...

To all of you out there who feel I am not paying attention to you, I want you to know something:
Hey, I may not have reached out in a long time, and I'm sorry. I've been busy and life happens while you're busy making plans.I just want you to know that even if we don't talk very much right now that I care about you...and I always will. I have been, and always shall be, your friend.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Make a Man Out of You!

Hopefully someone comes to complete the song with me and add their versions of Mulan, Yao, Ling and Chien-Po.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Saturday, January 13, 2018

If You Stick Around

Dear Friend,
I don’t know you, but I know something about you: I know you’re tired.
I know you live with demons, ones that are close and loud.
I know how relentless they are in their pursuit of you. 
I know that you spend your days trying to silence them and your nights trying to hide from them—and the hell they put you through.
Most of all I know how hard you work to hide it all; to pretend you’re fine, to paint a convincing smile upon your face, and to act as if all is well with your battered soul.
I know that all of this performing has left you exhausted; that you’ve numbed yourself and hurt yourself and starved yourself, in the hope that the voices will become silent, the pain will subside, and you can finally breathe again.
I know that right now it doesn’t seem like that moment will ever come.
I know right now you’d rather leave than live.
And even though I’m not standing in your shoes and even though I don’t know you and even though I have no right at all—I’m asking you to stick around.
I’m asking you to stay; to endure your incredibly painful, totally senseless now because I can see your glorious, blindingly beautiful then if you do.
If you stick around, you will reach a spot that the sadness won’t let you see right now—you’ll reach tomorrowAnd that place is filled with possibility. It is a day you’ve never been to. It is not this terrible day. There, you will not feel exactly what you are feeling right now. You may be stronger or see things differently or find a clearing and life may look a way it hasn’t in a long time: it may look worth staying for.
Tomorrow is the place where hope lives, and I want you to give yourself a chance to share space with that hope; to dance with it, to rest in it, to dream within it—because you deserve it:
If you stick around, you will travel to amazing places that will take your breath away and see sunsets that have yet to be painted in the evening sky.
If you stick around, you’ll eat that cheeseburger; the one that will cause you to make an actual audible noise in public (and you won’t regret it).
If you stick around, you will hear that song that will change your life and you’ll dance to it like no one’s watching (and then not care that they are).
If you stick around, you’ll find yourself in the embrace of someone who waited their entire lives to embrace you; whose path you will beautifully alter with your presence.
If you stick around, you will hold babies and see movies and laugh loudly and you’ll fall in love and have your heart broken—and you’ll fall in love again.
If you stick around, you will study and learn and grow, and find your calling and find your place and you’ll lay in the grass, feeling gratitude for the sun upon your face and the breeze in your hair.
If you stick around you will outlive your demons.
And yeah, there will be other stuff too; disappointments and heartache and regrets and mistakes. And yes, there will be moments of despair and painful seasons and dark nights of the soul you will need to endure. You will screw things up and be let down, you’ll hurt, and you’ll wonder how you’ll ever make it through. 
But then you’ll remember the hell you walked through to get here, and you might remember this letter—and you’ll realize you’re gonna be okay because tomorrow is still waiting for you, to dance and rest and dream within.
So I guess this is just a reminder, from someone who sees what you may not see from where you’re standing: the future, one that will be a lot better with you in it.
This is a plea and a promise, a dare and an invitation.
Hang on.
You are loved.
Things will get better.
Trust me.
Cry and get angry and ask for help and punch a wall and scream into your pillow and take a deep breath and call someone who loves you. When you let people in, the demons shrink back, so allow others to carry this sadness with you until you are stronger. 
But for you, for those who will grieve you should you leave, and for the tomorrow that you deserve to see— 
please, stick around.

John Pavlovitz